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The Zipper - Dynamic Warm Up

Area: Grid of 16Y x 10Y

Organization: Use four large cones to set up a 16Y x 10Y grid. Place two small cones on each side, 5 yards from starting cone. Divide players in two groups. 

First player of each group jogs around the cone and jogs back diagonally to the other group. The second player starts as soon as the first player is at the small cone. 

When the players meet in the center of the grid on the way back, they need to zipper. Demand a perfect zipper. Players cross each other evenly. Count the mistakes. One mistake, one push up. This encourages communication and sorting 'the zipper' out. 

After several times jogging, players perform variety of runs and dynamic stretches to the first cone and zipper on the way back.

Knee lifts, butt kicks, karaoke steps, skipping with arm swings, side steps, backward jogging and running, and so forth.  


  • After making the turn, players accelerate and sprint while still zippering when passing each other. 
  • Players run with ball above their head or hold a stick. 
  • Set up cones/ladder to add agility movements. 

Make sure players perform all dynamic and agility movements perfectly.