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Set Up:

There are five players set up in the large grid, with two players starting at each end of the grid, and an additional player starting in the center. Player 1 begins the drill with a short pass up to Player 2. Player 2 plays it back to Player 3, who drives the ball across the grid to Player 4. Player 2 turns and runs to the other end to combine with Players 4 and 5 on the same up, back, and thru combination. Play continues back and forth across the grid in this short, short, long sequence, and the players on the ends switch positions each time they play the ball across. A new player switches in for Player 2 every 30-60 seconds.

Coaching Points:

1.  The long pass is a driven ball, struck with the instep. It stays low and has backspin. 

2.  The back pass should settle to the ground and take most of the pace off of the long ball.

3.  While the long pass is in the air, the support player has to show and communicate. 


1.  Player 1 makes the supporting run across.

Players Required: