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Set up a grid of 30 yards long and 20 yards wide, two teams of eight players with four players in each lane. When a team is defending, one player needs to step out to make 4v3+4. This player steps back in as soon as his team wins the ball.  The three defenders try to stop the pass to the other side by shifting and pressuring the ball. The two groups of four attacking players try to pass the ball past the defenders to each other. 

Progression: Make the field five yards wider and always keep four defenders on the field. 

Coaching Points:


  • Stay together and quickly shift with the ball to avoid and intercept the pass from the attackers.

  • Work hard.


  • Pass the ball quickly to each other to create space between the defenders and the option to split the defenders with a pass. 

  • Pass the ball with the correct speed to the correct foot,

  • Receive the ball with the furthest foot.

  • Drop off a little bit when the player next to you has the ball. This will make it easier to receive and pass the ball. 

Players Required: