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Area: 20y x 12y

Set up a short, wide field with four small goals on each side. The balls can start on either side of the field, and the 1v1s start with a pass across to the attacker. Three 1v1 games are played at the same time.

Game: Players keep track of the number of goals they score. Also keep team scores.

Coaching Points:


  • Receive the ball  properly; close or further from foot, depending on the distance to the incoming defender.  

  • Make speed, dribble with laces or outside foot.

  • Look over the ball when dribbling or use peripheral vision. 

  • When you get closer to the defender, keep the ball closer to your foot

  • Make your move at the right moment. Not too far away or too close to the defender.  

  • Explode after the move. 

  • Change direction.

  • Look out for other players on the field. No collisions.


  • Approach the attacker quickly, slow down when getting close.

  • Stand in an angled position, low in the knees, elbows bent.

  • Move feet quickly with little steps and force the attacker to the sideline.

  • Win the ball back at the right moment.  

  • Explode after winning the ball and score as quickly as possible. 

Goals Required: 
Balls Required: 
Players Required: