Area: 30y x 30y
Organization: Divide area into three fields, with 3v2 on 18Y x 30Y field in center, and two 1v1 fields of 10 x 30 on the sides. Use two large goals plus goalkeepers for the 3v2 game, small goals for the 1v1 game.
Soccer balls in one goal and with coaches/feeders on the side if the field.
The game starts in the center with 3v2. The blue team tries to score as quickly as possible. When a goal is scored or the ball is out of bounds, the two coaches/feeders quickly pass the ball to the red player who is waiting at the small goal. They try to score as quiickly as possible on the other small goal.
The defenders in the 1v1 are the two blue players who did not start with the ball in the 3v2. THey have to react very quickly when the 1v1 starts.
After several turns, teams switch sides.
Game: Keep track of the score.