Area: 40y x 25y
Three attackers start about 25 yards from the goal, with an attacker in the center and one on each sideline. The two defenders are positioned between the central player and the wingers, and the GK starts in goal. The attacker in the center begins play with a pass to either winger. When the defenders win the ball, they can score on the two small goals. When the ball goes over the sideline, re-start with a throw. The turn is over when the ball goes over the endline. After several minutes, switch positions and defenders become attackers.
Variation: Add another central attacker to make it a 4v2 towards goal.
Game: Create two teams and keep track of the score.
Coaching Points:
1st defender - Immediate pressure on the flank player.
2nd defender - Run towards the first post and protect the center.
Movement in front of the goal.
Central attacker to first post.
2nd attacker to penalty spot.
Winger - Cross the ball to the penalty spot area. Away from the goalie.