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8v8 Pressure the Ball

Objective: Improve the ability of the defending team to pressuring the ball and taking out the deep pass. 


Area: 60 yards long and full width

On one endline a box of 8y x 8y with goalkeeper. On the other endline two small goals.  8v8 game with 4-3-1 formation vs 2-3-3 formation.

One team can score by playing a long ball into the hands of the goalkeeper. When the goalkeeper catches the ball, it's a point. The other team must prevent this by pressuring the ball. When the defenders win the ball, they can score on two small goal. They can use the goalkeeper to keep ball possession and to build up.



  • Make the field shorter to make it easier to play the ball to the goalkeeper.
  • Make the field narrower to make it easier to pressure the ball. 
  • Change formations.


Focus Points:

1. Maintain team shape (both teams)

2. Pressure together:

  • Stay compact. When distances between player become large, it is hard to keep pressuring the ball.
  • Determine together where you want to put pressure: defender who is weak on the ball, right footed player on the left, allow pass along the sideline, and so forth.) 
  • Move in unison towards the ball.
  • Put pressure on the strong leg of the attacker, force the opponent to play wide so defenders and midfielders can stay compact.
  • Put high pressure von the player with the ball, force a mistake. 
  • Mark tight in the midfield, get in front of your opponent when possible.
  • Midfielders must coach the forwards.
  • Defenders must take deep going midfielders over, so the team shape can be maintained. 




Goals Required: 
2 small
Balls Required: 
Players Required: 
16 + GK