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Set Up:

This is a great warm up drill for young soccer players. It is very simple but it gets the player's minds, gets the blood flowing, and allows them some touches with the ball. Set up a circle as shown in the diagram using discs or cones. The number of discs depends on how many players you have and you may have to set up two stations if you have enough players. As you notice in the diagram the number of discs should be greater than the number of players so there are always a few open discs. On the whistle the coach will yell out a command like any of the following:

  • 2 left - players dribble two discs to the left
  • 1 right - players dribble one disc to the right
  • Center - players dribble to the center disc and back
  • 1 left, 2 right - players dribble to the disc on their left, then 2 discs to their right


Players Required: 