It is important to add some fun soccer drills into your routine, especially drills for the younger kids. Here is a soccer drill that keeps things fun but also works on reaction, agility, quickness, and speed. This animation uses 6 players but you can use anywhere from 3 or more. Place the soccer balls in the middle of the circle and make sure you have one less soccer ball than you have players. The players start on the outside of the circle and they are not allowed to go into the circle until the whistle blows. On the whistle, the players can sprint to the soccer balls. Because there is one less soccer ball, one player will be left without a ball. The player without the ball is then removed from the game. Every round you will need to remove one soccer ball.
Musical Soccer Balls

warm up - One less ball then players
Great warm up
5-6 Kids to Start
Fun drill
do a few rounds with no elimination