Set Up:
- Every player has a ball inside of the grid. The coach(es) are it and try to tag the players who must keep control of their ball. If a player gets tagged, they have to touch the ball with the bottom of their foot (alternating) six times before they can start playing again. Play for 30-45 seconds, make a coaching point, and then restart game. Play many rounds. If a player dribbles their ball out of bounds, they have to perform the special activity as if they got tagged.
Progression: Change activity that a player has to do when they get tagged.
Coaching Points:
- Encourage players to take little touches when the tagger is close (so they can change direction quicker), and bigger touches to get away from the tagger.
- Compliment players that are using their peripheral vision to dribble.
Players Required:
Lorely aquí puedes hacer el tag y que se pare hasta que agarra a todos tu vez lo que te conviene